Wild and Free by Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan

Wild and Free: A Hope-Filled Anthem for the Woman Who Feels She is Both Too Much and Never Enough This is a great book for any woman who finds herself having a hard time being all that God has called her to be in this world. Here the authors teach you to be vulnerable to yourself…

Jesus Called: He Wants His Church Back by Ray Johnston

There are only a few authors that I get excited about when they come out with a new book, Ray Johnston has become one of them.  Two reasons why that is: 1) He wrote one of my favourite books in the last couple years, The Hope Quotient. (If you haven’t read it, you should read it after…

Parables by John Macarthur

“A parable is not merely a simple analogy. It’s an elongated simile or metaphor with a distinctly spiritual lesson contained in the analogy.” I have actually been looking for a book like this for quite a while, so when I saw this I was pretty excited. Parables delves into the parables that Jesus shares throughout…

Jesus is for You

This was a fantastic little book. If you’re ever in need of some inspiration or reminder of how much God loves you this is a great book to have at your coffee table. The book itself is put together beautifully, the cover and the glossy pages help make the book stand out in its quality….

It’s Not What You Think by Jefferson Bethke

Since Jefferson Bethke’s viral youtube video I have come to love his perspective and his ability to make the Bible relatable, especially with the millennials. He opens It’s Not What You Think by asking a question that I haven’t really thought of asking myself before, “what if we aren’t seeing Jesus properly? What implication does…

Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas

Whether you are just married, or have been married 30 years I feel there is something in this book for you. In Sacred Marriage, Gary Thomas questions our perspective of marriage in our lives, asking “What if God didn’t design marriage to be “easier”? What if God had an end in mind that went beyond…

Unoffendable: Give up your right to be angry

Do you have the right to ever be angry? Think about that for a moment. I believe our instinctual and worldly answer is to say yes, yes there are certain situations where it definitely makes sense that we can and should be angry. What if that isn’t true, what if the Bible says you don’t…

Jesus Swagger by Jarrid Wilson

To be honest, when I decided to review this book I wasn’t sure what to make of the book, especially with the title, Jesus Swagger. However, also being a millennial I decided to give it a shot. So, what is Jesus swagger? Jarrid Wilson states that “Jesus swagger is all about your life being infected…

My faith demands that I do…

My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference.   Jimmy Carter

Life Is ___ by Judah Smith

Even though I feel he has a secret mission to make us all Seattle Seahawks fans, I love this guy. I love his writing style and his sense of humour, he makes reading fun. Judah Smith has a way of making stories of the Bible relevant as he paraphrases them into the lingo of the…